KBEV Norman Update | December 2, 2024 | Teja Wolfe & Saanvi Jha
The Norman Update is a weekly show from KBEV in collaboration with ASB to give an update to students, parents, and staff about the upcoming week at Beverly Hills High School.
Welcome to the Norman Update for the week of November 25, 2024!
In this episode, Michaela Avneri & Perry Gilardian keep you updated on Upcoming BHHS Theater Auditions, Senior Merch, Premier Parking, College Meetings, Admissions Testing, and the Upcoming Thanksgiving Break. Dive into all this and more, only on KBEV's Norman Update, your prime source for everything Beverly Hills High School!
Executive Producer:
Prof. Romeo Carey
Lead Producers:
Perry Gilardian
Jason Maybaum
Noam Albou
Aaron Gabayan
Directed By:
Michael Risoli
Ava Wizmann
Technical Director:
Aaron Gabayan
Lead Writer:
Aaron Gabayan
Audio Engineer:
Joshua Albou
Teleprompter Operator:
Ava Wizmann
Floor Manager:
Gunnar Walmsley
Talent Coordinators:
Noam Albou
Sabrina Niku
Edited By:
Zac Hasson
Produced in KBEV 6 Studios, Beverly Hills, CA
"What's Right About Beverly."